By keeping honesty, avoiding false statement, not doing cheating with customer/consumers certainly Islam permit advertisement within the limitations of Islamic shariah’s principles.
To attract consumer regarding certain product or service producer try to increase sale their goods and services and inform consumer by advertising.
Whether Islam permits advertisement or not you will get answer if you go through followings.
It should be known to all (particularly to every Muslim) that Islam is the complete code of life. In addition to this some scholars are conducting advertising in favor of Islam like MD. Zakir Nayk, Ahmmad Dider with peace TV.
Like this way any producer can advertise for his product by maintaining Islamic shariah.
The Activities of Advertisement in the Light of Islam
In accordance with Islamic sharih no cheating activities, no making harmful activities, no black marketing, and no sinful activities are taken place in business and commerce. The goods or commodities which are prohibited in the light of Islamic shariah should not be dealt in business. The activities of advertising in the light of Islam should be checked on the following subjects/characteristics:
1. Maintain honesty;
2. Do not provide false statement in advertisement message;
3. Do not cheat the customers;
4. Do not mix the prohibited things in the product;
5. Restrict the use of female in modeling.
Maintain Honesty:
There is a proverb “Honesty is the best policy”. Like all aspects of human lives the presence of honesty is inevitable in the business. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) urged in describing honesty, justice and trusteeship in the businessmen, “The trustful and honest businessmen will stay with prophet, Siddiq and martyr in the day of judgment.”
4. Do not provide false statement in advertisement;
Now a day’s some businessmen provide misinformation about product to attract customer which does not permit in Islam. Allah said “O you have believed, why do you say what you do not do? (As-Saff 61:2)
Again prophet Muhammad (SAW) urged that
“O believer; shun the abomination of idols. And ‘shun’ the word is false. At the same time, he forbidden to manipulate information and speculate any decision making process. The false description and excessive false statement may gain temporally of businessmen but in the long-run may not reveal the purchasing decision again. Hence, the fraudulent business comes into totally decline position. Any selling and purchasing activities occurred in a false statement must be rejected in the eye of blame. In this regard, Prophet(SAW) said,
“It has an option of the buyers and as well as the sellers to cancel any transaction before the separation of them, but if there is some condition, may be different for rejection.”
After fulfilling the terms and conditions and even after making payments, the buyers may cancel any transaction if any defective situation occurs. In this context, the seller cannot appeal any more. It is called the “Khiarul Aoub” in the eye of shariah.
Do not cheat the customers;
Man is the ashrful oklukat of Allah (swt).the basic objective of Islam is to welfare for the human being. As Islam is the din of human being it direct not fraudulent in trade and business. Business is the best earning means islam.Advertisement as part business the businessmen should not cheat the customers.”Biwool gayer” is prohibited by prophet (swa), that means customers are being satisfied eth the package but again being seen the actual product or inside of the product.
In another Hadith prophet (swa) has prohibited for upholding the price of goods. This is hypocrisy is a haram in the sense of all we understand by the Hadith that businessmen should not cheat the customers.
Do not mix the prohibited things in the product;
For the only welfare ol all human being good and superior thing make halal and bad and harmful thing is prohibited by Allah (Swt).
Allah (Swt)has said in Holy Quran,
“O you who have believed, do not approach prayer while you are intoxicated. ( an-Nisa4:43)
Another verse
“Prohibited to you are dead animals, blood , the flesh of swine, and that which has been dedicated to other than Allah (al-maidah5:3)
So prohibited things should not be mixed in the advertised product.
Restrict the use of female in modeling:
Through Islam does not totally prohibit the contribution of women in the field of business and economics. But Islam totally prohibited the use of women as model with short dress which appeal sex by the youth or they should not be used where unnecessary setuatuion. As for example if we want to give ads of Blasser or complete suit of men, here should not use women as model. We can use only male as model. The following picture is the example of that ads where only male is used as model.
If we want to use female as model in the different ads we can use them as model by maintaining rules and regulation of Islam i.e within the limitation of Islam. It should be the following way. She is used here as model of the ads of the swimming pool.
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